Year 10
Miss S Singh
As a year team, we are responsible for the pastoral and academic overview of the year group. All students within the year group are seen as young adults, capable of making the right informed decisions about their behaviour and learning. Our year team insists on the highest standards of work and behaviour at all times. Every student must follow the Oak wood way and must be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. We believe that every student has a part to play in building a strong foundation, we believe that every student has the right to learn, we believe in creating a strong working partnership between home and the school in order for the student to thrive.
I look forward to a very successful year with lots to celebrate from every member of our Year group.
Favourite Part of the Job
The best thing about being a teacher is seeing students learn, seeing them "get it." That moment is what makes it all worthwhile: the prep work, the hassles, and the planning. As a Head of Year I get to make an even greater impact to maximise achievement and raise standards. This is why I love my job.
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