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Oak Wood School


At Oak Wood School, we believe that education is about empowering all pupils to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to be effective life-long learners. We want our pupils to be able to make decisions within a complex and everchanging world so that they are able to positively adapt and lead successful and happy lives. Across all of their learning we seek to develop and grow all pupils as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals who have a shared value of mutual respect.

The curriculum underpins Oak Wood School’s Vision with a mission to empower young people to achieve success, which is captured in our ethos statement: We dream, We learn, We grow. 

We strive for our pupils to develop their personal skills and qualities in order that they may grow into positive, responsible young adults who can work and cooperate well with others. As an extension to our curriculum, we offer enrichment activities that broaden and extend the pupil experience and use extra-curricular to enhance wider personal development and promote positive attitudes to learning.  

In its entirety, the curriculum is designed to make sure pupils feel valued and respected so that they in turn learn to value those around them and develop an acute sense of social responsibility which in time has a positive impact upon their own community and the wider British society.

Our curriculum is well understood, well planned and well thought out at all levels to meet the need of each individual pupil. In order to facilitate long-term learning, the skills and content for each subject are spaced and interleaved throughout our curriculum. Additionally, classroom pedagogy is built around the effective use of retrieval practice in order for pupils to remember knowledge over time. Subject curriculums are aligned and sequenced effectively to ensure maximum efficiency and this allows a broad curriculum that stretches pupils but still enables outstanding outcomes.

Curriculum Equality and Diversity

At Oak Wood School equality and diversity is promoted through an inclusive curriculum offer. We provide all of our students with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement.

We shall achieve this by:

  • The promotion of equality of opportunity
  • Challenging discrimination in all areas of the curriculum
  • Ensuring that curriculum planning will take account of the needs of all
  • Monitoring and evaluating curriculum provision so that it represents a diverse culture and society and encourages tolerance and respect
  • Ensuring that the teaching methods used in the delivery of the curriculum will be diverse and appropriate for all needs and learning styles
  • Providing resources that reflect and promote equal access for all
  • Promoting cultural understanding and awareness through the content and delivery of the curriculum
  • Actively closing gaps in attainment and achievement between pupils for all groups of pupils; especially pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and pupils from minority ethnic groups.

Equality Act 2010

oak wood school equality objectives.pdf


Curriculum Intent Prospectus 2024-25

curriculum intent prospectus 2024 25.pdf


Curriculum Plan 2024-25

curriculum plan 2024 25.pdf


Curriculum Design 2024-25

curriculum design booklet 2024 25.pdf


The curriculum at Oak Wood School is personalised to meet the needs of all learners. Flexibility in the curriculum allows for adaptations to be made that are responsive to the needs of both individuals and groups of students as they progress through our school. If you would like any additional information about the curriculum offered at Oak Wood School, please contact Mr P Govender (Deputy Headteacher).